Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sons of Anarchy - November 22, 2011

Welcome Sons of Anarchy fans. Let’s dive into maybe one of the more confusing action-packed dramas on TV right now. We ended last episode with Opie finding his father dead at the cabin. He immediately finds out from former Police Chief Unser that Clay accomplished this horrific killing. Let me remind you, Clay has killed Opie’s wife, whom he never really got over, and now his father (really father-in-law), which the series never likes to point out. What will he do next? I will get back to that later.

I want to jump to Gemma. Despite getting her faced bashed in by Clay (of course), she is one of the toughest woman on TV. She stands up to the guys like no one else. In order to be that tough, you have to read people. Gemma, being one of the most manipulative characters on television, can do that with the best. She has done it since the very first season. Just a couple of quotes from this episode proving my point; “I do what I always do. I take care of my family,” Gemma tells Opie. “I am protecting what took me 20 years to build,” Gemma tells Unser. She really feels she controls this club. Maybe she does.

Next I want to jump to the babies and the older Irishmen. First off, what is with them and abducting children? We saw this last season with Jax’s son. Now we see an entire orphanage of them. We later find out they are selling babies? I wonder what the market is for children in southern California. Very weird.

Later on, we see Clay talking to the Cameron Hayes, who I am assuming is at the top of the IRA. They both mention how Jax has been a hothead lately. How ironic that Clay says that because in the last season alone, he killed Piney, threatened and tried to kill his daughter-in-law (kind of), made a decision that killed two members of SAMCRO and beat his wife. All of this caught up to him (finally) and was shot at the end of this episode by Opie (however I am not convinced he is dead just yet). Other than that, I honestly am not sure what the conversation between Hayes and Clay was about. Anyone have an idea?

I know I am all over the place, but I wanted to fit in as many thoughts as I could for my first Son’s post.

Here are some final nuggets.
  • Preventing Tara from leaving Charming, Clay threatens her about the JT letters. Will she tell Jax?
  • Gemma started threatening Tara as well (Once again, manipulation at play). Will she tell Jax?
  • What does Jax do now that he saw Opie kill Clay?
  • Will Bobby get word out that Otto ratted on him (with good reason I might add)?
  • What will happen with the cartel?

In due time.

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