Thursday, December 8, 2011

House – November 28, 2011

Please forgive me loyal House fans. With the two-week break, I forgot to write about our last episode. Like every other Monday, we start by getting a little background on our future patient. The show brought us to a court room where a successful lawyer seems to have a heart attack. Surely it can’t be that simple. After searching the patient’s home, we find out he owns enough guns to “defend Fort Knox.” How ironic that House’s patient has over 100 guns, something House would have never have any interest in, right?

Back at the hospital, during their first diagnosis, House asks Adams and Chase to choose their “partner” on the first assignment. They both immediately say Taub. Adams sees her choice as no big deal. House, on the other hand, uses this against Adams and Park for the rest of the episode. Why is that? Is it strictly to get the best out of Adams or Park, or is it just for his entertainment? Why does House feel the need to put Park through the last kid picked at kickball routine? More in this later.

Next, let’s jump into Foreman’s issues. We saw the same thing with Cuddy seasons ago. As Dean of medicine, they had/have a demanding job. People who do not throw themselves into it simply fail. Their regular duties, on top of babysitting House, can be very time consuming. But, that is the route Foreman is taking. Chase and Taub have other ideas. They feel Foreman needs to get out more, date, have fun and do whatever. Have they met Foreman? He has been like this for the entire series. He barely let Taub stay with him when he had nowhere else to go. He clearly has no problem going on with life by himself. Then again, hooking up with a married woman could be good for him. Maybe it will force him to be more outgoing and drastic with some life decisions. Either way, it makes for good television.

Back to Park and House. Later on, we see Park trying to prove to House that she is normal and liked within the group. My first question is why does she care? She is not the type of person that strikes me as having the “I care what people think about me” mentality. My first instinct was to just prove House wrong. As we saw with Wilson in this episode, everyone likes to prove House wrong. But then, at the very end, we see Adams, Park and Chase in the elevator. Park, out of the blue, asks Chase out for a drink. Chase tries to come up with an excuse but Park is too smart for the “no dating within the team” routine. He reluctantly agrees. Of course we ask, why does Park do this? Is it to show Adams off, who is right next to her? Is it to bond with Chase? Is it to gain a new friend? Or does it have to do with House?

As a longtime fan, I can almost guarantee this action comes back to house. By going out with Chase in a social manner, Park will be able to use this against House the next time he threatens her with a popularity contest. Better yet, Park will be able to use Chase as her backup. I feel she is trying to turn the table on House, sort of proving she is more liked. I guess I was wrong with Park being the “I care what people think about me” mentality. Maybe it means something; maybe it doesn’t. Nevertheless, like every other decision in this show, an analysis must be done. 

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