Monday, December 5, 2011

Sons of Anarchy - November 29, 2011

What a difference one week makes. We are on the verge of a tremendous season finale that will no doubt say good bye to one main character (Clay) and perhaps a couple more (Jax ad Tara). But let’s not kid ourselves. For this series to continue, it needs its white and shinning prince which is Jackson Teller. Let’s jump into it.

The episode begins in the aftermath of the Clay shooting. Opie, after finding out that he killed his old man (in addition to his wife three seasons ago), had enough. However, to prevent a breakout in the club, Jax and Clay decide to blame the shooting on the Niners (which comes back to bite them in the you know what).

Later on, as Tara is getting ready to leave the hospital, Gemma comes to help (sure). She all of a sudden has the nerve to tell Tara all about Clay’s plan to kill her. First instinct is to ask, why now? Why did she wait two episodes to say something? Turns out, she was using this moment of honesty as leverage to get the letters. Gemma wants Jax to see them. Once again, as an audience, we are unsure why, but later find that the great manipulator was scheming up another master plan. More on this later.

Let’s jump to the chase scene. After Tig decides to take club issues into his own hand, the Niners want blood. What I liked most about this scene was how the rest of the club came to the rescue. They surround Tig and provide an easy getaway as Jax and Chibs shoot up the first car. I want to dive into the loyalty of this action. No one asked why or what Tig did. They immediately came to his aid and saved his life. Ironically enough, it was Tig who two episodes ago said this club was losing its morals and its way. When push comes to shove, they know exactly how to get behind a member.

Back to the main issue. The scene of the season. Gemma and Jax, in the boardroom, discussing the letters. As an audience, we expect Gemma to come all out with it. Once again, she chooses her own route. After taking only a portion of the letters to show Jax, she decides to blame everything, and I mean everything, on Clay alone. Because he won’t read all the letters (for now), Jax will have no idea Gemma and Unser played some role in JT’s death (and please, if someone knows more, post something here). Gemma wants to build so much anger into Jackson that he will have no choice but to kill Clay. Just like Opie, killing his father and an attempt on his wife, is too much to let go. Gemma leaves the room with some powerful advice.

“It’s in you,” Gemma said. “It’s who you are.

“Read them. See them in his hands and then you kill him. Then, you take your seat at this table; where you belong.”

Just after, we see Tara come around and provide the tool for killing Clay. She then has her own advice for her beloved husband.

“Do this and take us out of this poisonous town,” Tara said.

So who does Jax listen to? The mother he claims he would leave all season or his wife who has urged him to exit charming and the Sons all together? Here are some other burning questions as Tuesday’s finale approaches.
  • What will happen it Opie and the club? I am pretty sure you can not shoot another member?
  • What will happen with the cartel and the Irish? Will the deal go down or will the feds intervene?
  • If the feds intervene, what will be the backlash on the Sons?
  • What happens to Bobby in jail?
  • What happens to Juice?
  • If Clay makes it through, will he be voted out or banished?
  • Most intriguing of all, will Jax leave the Sons?

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