Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dexter - November 27, 2011 "Get Gellar"

Let me start off by saying what a great twist we saw in this week’s episode. As some people might have seen while others had no idea what was coming, we found out that Travis too has a dark passenger, maybe. Unlike Dexter, it comes in the form of an older, crazy professor. But let’s put these thoughts aside for the moment.

I want to go back to my last post. The title of the last episode was “Sin of Omission,” or in other words, the sin of doing nothing when you know there is something to be done. I brought up the idea of Dexter keeping information to himself and the possibility of someone getting hurt or killed because of his selfishness. Well, it didn’t take long to create another example of this.

In “Get Gellar” we saw maybe the most exciting post dead body reaction in this entire series. Gellar’s (or really Travis’s) victim this episode was Professor Casey. Dexter knew he was the next target. Hell, he even helped lead Travis to Casey. However, never, even for an instant, did he think of telling the police, his sister, Anderson or Bautista about DDK’s potential next victim. As a result, he ends up dying. And then, after the bowls of blood falls on everyone (great scene), we get the greatest quote of the season. “Gellar hasn’t seen wrath until he’s seen mine.” I got chills. But in the end, Dexter’s Sin of Omission was very evident.

Now let’s get to the twist. In the blogs I have been reading, numerous people suggested Gellar was not alive but perhaps a dark passenger. Which, when you think about it, makes sense. No one, other than Travis, had actually seen Gellar in the past three years. We never saw him perform any of the kills. When Gellar and Travis were out in public, no one talked to them. We saw Gellar hit Travis over the head with a shovel, but nothing after that. So in hindsight, it does make sense. I think this hints could come in handy with other programs and predicting the future.

But I will let other bloggers talk about this one, as all will undoubtedly fill their pages with this text (all of them claiming they saw it coming). But questions to think about are; is Gellar more of a dark passenger or is Travis a true schizophrenic? What will happen with LaGuerta and Matthews? How involved was Matthews in that case? Why does Louis have the Ice Truck Killer hand? Does anyone find it odd that he has the hand that ended up costing the person’s job that he now has? Is he really that rich from making video games? Only three episodes to answer them all.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about no one seeing Gellar, also, but when they were outside of Southern Miami, didn't they see him? I guess it could have been someone else they thought looked like him
