Sunday, November 27, 2011

House – Oct 17, 2011

In this episode of House, one might think the inner story was about 13 and whether or not she should come back to the show. Not really reading about her plans outside of “House”, I didn’t expect her to stay and judging by how the episode concluded, I’d say I was right.

The aspect of this episode that jumped out at me was Park. When first introduced, avid “House” watchers had to be thinking, “Why is this little dork, unattractive girl on the show?” Well other than being extremely bright, like we saw last season, she follows a set of rules that only one other person on earth goes by. Shockingly, that would be Gregory House.

This episode started off with a man, who other Fox viewers might recognize from “Prison Break”, donating one million dollars to a shelter that helps those in need. Right away, before we even see him collapse and turn into House’s patient, we know his generosity would come into question. However, I bet not all of us saw it coming from Park.

In the first diagnosis scene, Park, in an effort to keep the patient, tells Foreman that the only symptom is supreme altruism. Many people wouldn’t see this as a symptom, just like the attractive doctor, not 13, that House brought back (and for some reason, I cannot remember when she was in this show). Immediately after this scene, that question of why she is in this series hit me. The writers are forming another House. She may not be as smart, but she has many similar social tendencies as House. Some of those include; seeing good faith as a symptom as opposed to a gesture of goodwill, weary of why people do everyday tasks such as give, ignore social norms, stand up to superiors and is smart as a rock.

However, some similarities don’t mean they are one in the same. First and foremost, we saw Park couldn’t accept gifts. That couldn’t be further from the truth with House. And the obvious distinction is that House is the genius in the group. No matter how many young med students or first year doctors they put on his team, no one will surpass him.

So as I watch from here on out, I will keep an eye out for more tendencies between Park and House. More importantly, what do they mean to the show? Why did the writer choose to portray Park in this matter? If they are so similar, what estimations can we make for the rest of the series? By the end, we won’t only answer why she is in the show, but what she can bring that we haven’t seen before; not even from house.

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