Thursday, February 9, 2012

Top 5 Dramas of All Time

Unlike comedies, TV dramas keep us on the edge of our seat week in and week out. Whether it’s a peculiar island, a mob family, a crazy doctor or a show about prohibition, dramatic television shows are where great writers shine and bring their imagination to the big screen. Here at the top five dramas of all time.
  1. The Sopranos
  2. 24
  3. Lost
  4. Dexter
  5. Friday Night Lights

1. The Sopranos

America’s favorite mob family gave us six tremendous seasons of great television. Every Sunday night, you knew what you were going to get on HBO in that 8:00 time slot. Who would have thought a true mob television series would evolve around the boss and his psychiatrist? This series brought us sex, drugs, corruption, gambling, cheating, explosions, homosexuality and deception.

We had Christopher, the man who would one day take the big seat, but drugs and a wife who turned into a rat for the FBI changed all that. How about Tony’s best friend Pussy? He got caught pushing H and also became a rat. What a great way to end his Sopranos career on Tony’s boat getting shot up by Paulie, Sil and Mr. Soprano. Who could forget Carmela? Wait, on second thought, I can forget Carmela. Tony’s endless battle with his uncle June (who is making an appearance on HBO’s newest mob show) was another great story all together. And to think, creator David Chase had the confidence to end the entire series on a cliffhanger. What really happened in that diner that night?

When it’s all said and done, Tony Soprano is America’s modern day Don Vito Corleone. The Sopranos, simply put, was, and still is the best show to ever air on television.

2. 24

One of the most thrilling TV shows was 24. How could one come up with an entire television series running with actual time? Jack Bauer did it all. He jumped out of planes. He experienced three years of torture by the Japanese.  He watched friends turn on him and later get killed in combat. Jack, with the help of the Counter Terrorism Unit, saved the world multiple times throughout its eight season career. But what made this show No. 2 on my list was the writing. To think that a producer and writer could write an entire season that spans one day is astounding. Throw in the Middle-East, Russia, Japan, explosions, sexy costars (Kim Bauer), murder, technology, terrorism and you’ve got the No. 2 spot on my list.

3. Lost

If there is any show that thrills, entertains, angers or confuses a fan more, I haven’t heard of it. Lost may have been the most popular and most viewed show of any of my top 5. The endless question of what is going on never leaves the mind. The ongoing Kate battle between Jack and Sawyer sure sparks a debate at any Lost showing. How about the lead role debate? Do you prefer Captain America in Jack, the conservative doctor who seems to have all the answers? Or maybe you prefer John Locke, the liberal who welcomes the island and all its endeavors. Every good show needs plenty of subplots and Lost had no shortage of those.

In the end, what drove me to the show every week were the back stories. It’s amazing how Locke, a disabled and depressed man who was conned into giving away his own kidney, would become a leader and later the “smoke monster.” Hugo and his tenuous run of bad luck after winning the lottery was a personal favorite. As the series came to a conclusion, it was astounding how the power of the Island drives Jack into a mental breakdown and forces him back into no man’s land. But, as any fan knows, the power of Lost doesn’t only apply to the characters; the show itself drives it audience back every week.

4. Dexter

America’s favorite serial killer. One may notice a theme with my first three picks. We fall in love with television, but more specifically, we fall in love with a character on that show. Dexter is no exception. The blood analyst who goes out and kills the true enemy has made for a great series. Season one, the all important season that is supposed to entice the audience, did not disappoint. The creators brought us the Ice Truck Killer. Turns out, he is Dexter’s biological brother. After watching the inaugural season, the audience knew what they were getting into. And who could forget season two? Sergeant Doakes catches on to Dexter’s way of life, but in the end, fails like all those who oppose him.

The reason this show works is because we are rooting for what seems to look like a villain, but really is the hero. Everyone has that urge to be bad sometimes. We may not go as far as killing, but sometimes it slips into the back of our mind. On the other hand, we all want to make this world a better place. Dexter encompasses all these feelings (which is ironic because the premise of the show is largely based on a man who should have no emotion).  Our emotionless, quiet, meticulous, genius and wrenching serial killer comes in at No 4.

5. Friday Night Lights

Clear Eyes. Full Heart. Can’t Lose. This is the phrase Friday Night Lights viewers came to love. It’s even Stuart Scott’s go to on Sportscenter. This is the true inspirational television show. Coach Eric Taylor is an All-Star coach, mentor and father in this five-season drama extraordinaire.

Unlike some of my earlier picks, this show is for everyone. It’s for the football freaks who love the weekly pounding of that Texas gridiron. It’s for the family who loves a censored drama that can relate to everyone. We have teenagers going through the daily grind of fitting in, dating, working and getting into college. We have the grownup relationship between Coach Taylor and his wife. If any couple knows how to fight in that loving manner we all seek; it’s them. And who can’t love that opening theme song by “Explosions in the Sky?”

But once again, we come back to television for that special character. Some may say Coach Taylor, but this guy’s going with Tim Riggins. Who doesn’t love a guy who binge drinks all night and the next day runs over a defense for two touchdowns? Hell, he even sleeps around with the hot mom next door. If that isn’t a high school star, I don’t know what is. At No. 5, the family drama of Friday Night Lights.

Honorable Mentions
  • Sons of Anarchy
  • Boardwalk Empire
  • ER
  • House

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