Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Shameless - January 8, 2012 Season Premier

I’ll be honest. Whenever one of my shows comes back to TV, I get excited. In fact, there are few things in life I get more excited about. Well, season two of Shameless premiered last Sunday. I was looking for that wow factor. I was looking for something to bring me back to the Showtime comedy. Season one did not do it for me. I like the concept of the poor family, living on the South Side, doing whatever they have to do to make end’s meat. Fiona, as sexy as she was last season, wasn’t enough. Frank, clearly the most recognizable character on the show, didn’t really do it for me. But then there was Sunday. The premier brought new twists, plots and excitement to the show. Here’s what they did.

First off, I love Fiona working at a late night bar/club. At first, I am thinking, how can she do all that she does and work every night until 4 A.M? She looks sexy as ever in that tight white tank top. Good to see V working there as well. It’s almost as if they don’t have to worry about money and they just work like the rest of us. Also, as expected, working where she does “brings all the guys to the yard.” Seems like she rebounded from Steve quickly, despite what V says. It was also nice to see Lake Shore Drive, the Drake Hotel and Fiona having sex along on the coastline. Good start.

Lip seems to be figuring it out. He now partakes in his own fight club earning extra cash for the family. In addition, after engineering his own police scanner, Lip and Kev startup their own ice cream/drug shop. This will sure bring new twists to the show. Also, I like seeing him at U of C. I am still unsure if he is taking classes or what, but either way, it seems he is forming a good relationship with the professor that he can one day escape his tiny world.

Frank is his usual self. It only took one episode for him to make a stupid bet that almost cost him a son. But after the family finds out, they all come to the rescue. That is what makes this show addicting. It is seeing what a family will go through to stay together. Last season, Ian had a way out after finding out that Frank wasn’t his father. He chose to stay. Later on, Monica, Liam’s mother, came back for her youngest son. Despite making it easier on the family, Fiona and the gang would only let him go over their dead bodies. This aspect, no matter what kind of TV you like, drives people to this show. Throw in some sex, drugs, Frank, nightclubs, U of C, Chicago, comedy and you’ve got me hooked.

Other aspects of the season two premier that brought me back in…
  • Ian is growing up and preparing to enter the marines
  • Lip is formed his own pot/drug business
  • Kev knows how to grow ample amounts of weed
  • Fiona seems to be sleeping around
  • Debbie is taking on more responsibility, perhaps becoming the next Fiona
  • Lip is learning how to fight, which I am sure will come in handy later on
  • Frank is wearing out his welcome at Sheila’s

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