Monday, January 16, 2012

Shameless - January 15, 2012

One of the greatest aspects of being a TV enthusiast is that I get to think I know what I am talking about. Mainly, when I mention this, I am talking about educated guesses as to what will happen next or later on in the series. Honestly, Shameless is not going the direction I thought it would. Here are some of the shockers/bad judgments thus far in this series.

Frank is a drunk. Plain and simple. He is nothing more than free-loading alcoholic who goes to the darkest of levels to get what he wants. This would include leaving his youngest alone with strangers who threatened to cut his father’s toes off. This would include getting blowjobs by men in the bathroom. This would include stealing from his family. But when is it going to change? I know this is a major premise of the show, but isn’t there a time when the alcoholic has an epiphany and realize he must do something different? I thought some sign of this would come by season’s end last season, but it never did. After two episodes now, it doesn’t seem he’s having any this season either.

Moving down the list of Gallaghers is Fiona. Throughout season one, a key component of this show was her relationship with Steve or Jim or whatever you want to call him. As time went on, she even started to wonder if she loved him. Now this is perfectly understandable for a 20-year-old raising five kids and not really having time to date. At the end of the season, no surprise she chose to stay with the family. Clearly, if this show had any chance of coming back, it needed the sexy Emmy Rossum. But jumping ahead to this season, Fiona catches a glimpse of the money she could be making if she “dated” like Jasmine. This is on track to becoming a whore. We can’t have the sweet Fiona, who does it all for her family, turning tricks to make the bills. Her sex appeal would certainly drop and I feel many viewers would be turned off. So for all our sakes, let’s hope she doesn’t take this turn for the worse.

Next is Lip. It is the summer so he is not in school, at least I don’t think (I realize he was at U of C talking with the professor in episode one, but I think that was just a visit). He is handsomely raking in some good dough for the winter selling pop, beer, popsicles and weed out of an ice cream truck. This is expected. It is expected for the genius of the family to use his wit to make some needed cash. However, and you knew that was coming; what is he doing falling in love with Karen? This is not the direction the show is supposed to go. A high school girl can’t be ruining this great mind. First off, love is a very questionable emotion in high school. Secondly, a broken heart can’t be getting in the way of his greatness. Lip is destined to invent some machine or smoking device that takes you to the next level. Or maybe he will create the most advanced and technological savvy police scanner. But the chance of these accomplishments would be reduced to slim if the writers decide to make him the broken heart Gallagher. Don’t do it!

As one can see, no matter how many TV shows we watch, we can’t always predict the direction the writers will go. We can only put out “educated guesses” and tell our minds, we know what we are talking about.    

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